COVID-19 Update: Keeping our community safe

At Well By Design Chiropractic, our business is health and well-being. We are committed to everyone’s safety, and we’re continuing to do our best to keep everyone healthy and well.

In-line with the recent Victorian Government guidelines, we now require that all our clients attend their appointments wearing a face mask.

Wearing a face mask provides an additional physical barrier, helps reduce community transmission and will allow us to continue to provide Chiropractic care safely to our community.

The practice is a very controlled space, and we’re maintaining our extensive cleaning regime and practicing strict COVID-19 guidelines to protect all our patients.

Here are Well By Design Chiropractic, we are:

  • Wiping down of frequently touched surfaces such as the Front desk, doorknobs, bathroom taps and more, every ½ hour or more 

  • Cleaning of treatment tables after every patient

  • Washing or sanitizing hands after every patient visit

  • Staggering appointment times to ensure no contact with other patients

  • Wearing a face mask

  • Removal of all toys, books, magazines

When attending our appointment, we ask that you:

  • Wear a face mask when attending an appointment - if it is necessary for the face mask to be temporarily removed, social distancing will be adhered to

  • Do not enter the practice until your scheduled appointment time, or unless instructed to do so - this will ensure we maintain strict social distancing guidelines

  • On arrival, wash your hands or use the hand sanitiser provided

  • Contact us in advance and delay your appointment until a COVID-19 testing is completed, if you have cold or flu symptoms, or have recently visited a hospital or age care facility.

The Victorian Department of Health provides up to date information on COVID-19 and guidelines on the use of face masks:

Thank you for doing your bit to keep our community safe.

Stay well,

Dr. Damian Lawgun
