Sleep better with a Flexi Pillow
Have you ever used the excuse, “I must’ve slept wrong,” to explain your inconvenient neck pains in the morning? It may actually be true,...

3 Key Things to Consider before choosing a Baby Carrier
We are fortunate to provide care for a lot of pregnant mothers in the Wellness Centre. A common question we’re asked is “what sort of...

Let's talk about some Core issues
You’ve probably heard the term “core” bandied about the place, particularly if you’ve had any sort of contact with pilates or yoga...

Are you suffering from a persistent pain that just won't go away?
Maybe it's time you tried Chiropractic! Come in for a complementary obligation free 20 minute spinal health check. Call today or book on

4 tips to help you stay motivated to exercise
It's cold outside. I'm tired. It's too hard to get ready in the morning. I'll start tomorrow. Yep, I've heard them all b

Chiropractic explained in 30 seconds
Often when I meet someone for the first time, I'm asked "What do you do for a job?" in kind I respond "I'm a Chiropractor" which is often...

8 Easy Steps to prevent the Cold & Flu
Why is it some of us get sick or a cold and others don’t? Is it by avoiding sick co-workers in your office, avoiding crowded public...

Is your work posture breaking your back?
Posture is far more than looking poised and confident. Sitting or standing in the right position makes sure our bodies function...

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